Schock invented the granite sink and has been one of the leading manufacturers worldwide for over 30 years. All Schock sinks are made of durable and ecologically sound materials. Manufactured in Germany, to extremely rigorous standards, customers in more than 70 countries put their trust in Schock sinks. Going beyond the statutory requirements for environmental production standards, Schock invests in the latest resource-saving technologies to preserve our environmental future.
RRP is the price the manufacturer recommends the product is sold for. We're committed to providing the best price on every product we sell so rarely sell at this price.
RRP is the price the manufacturer recommends the product is sold for. We're committed to providing the best price on every product we sell so rarely sell at this price.
RRP is the price the manufacturer recommends the product is sold for. We're committed to providing the best price on every product we sell so rarely sell at this price.
RRP is the price the manufacturer recommends the product is sold for. We're committed to providing the best price on every product we sell so rarely sell at this price.
RRP is the price the manufacturer recommends the product is sold for. We're committed to providing the best price on every product we sell so rarely sell at this price.
RRP is the price the manufacturer recommends the product is sold for. We're committed to providing the best price on every product we sell so rarely sell at this price.
RRP is the price the manufacturer recommends the product is sold for. We're committed to providing the best price on every product we sell so rarely sell at this price.
RRP is the price the manufacturer recommends the product is sold for. We're committed to providing the best price on every product we sell so rarely sell at this price.
RRP is the price the manufacturer recommends the product is sold for. We're committed to providing the best price on every product we sell so rarely sell at this price.
RRP is the price the manufacturer recommends the product is sold for. We're committed to providing the best price on every product we sell so rarely sell at this price.
RRP is the price the manufacturer recommends the product is sold for. We're committed to providing the best price on every product we sell so rarely sell at this price.